On Thursday, February 16, 2012, the Annual Meeting of LEA was held at the Kelly Inn in St. Paul. On this occasion, awards for the 2011 legislative session were presented. The meeting was chaired by LEA President John Augustine, and Chris Penwell, partner in Siegel Brill law firm and the keynote speaker, addressed on the topic “The Essential Role of Elections in Protecting the Rights of the People.” A photo report appears below:
LEA Banquet for 2011 Award Recipients held at the Kelly Inn. The Keynote Speaker was Chris Penwell.
LEA President John Augustine Chaired the Event
Senator David Hann was presented his award by LEA Secretary Tammy Houle
Senator Gretchen Hoffman received her award from LEA President John Augustine
Senator Dave Thompson sent a representative to read a statment on his behalf.
Representative Glenn Grundhagen receiving his award from LEA Vice-President Mark Olson
Senator Ray Vandeveer receiving his award from LEA Vice President Mark Olson
Representative Steve Drazkowski received his award from LEA Vice President Mark Olson
Representative Joyce Peppin, the only legislator to score 100%, received her award from LEA Treasurer Dana Burkinshaw
Representative Bruce Anderson receiving his award from LEA Treasurer Dana Burkinshaw
Sue Jeffers, talk show host and LEA Director, introduced Keynote Speaker Chris Penwell.
Keynote speaker Chris Penwell
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