2005 Awards Dinner

Minnesota LEA Awards Banquet for 2005 Recipients, March 16, 2006 LEA Annual Awards Dinner (top), Keynote Speaker: Rick Morgan (top right), Honoree Senator Limmer(left); MNLEA President Judy Lindsay presents award to Representative Krinkie ( left center), MNLEA Vice President Gordon Anderson presents award to Representative Peppin (center), Honoree Representative Holberg (right center); Honoree Representative Buesgens (bottom right)
Senate: LeClair; Limmer, Hon. Mention: Bachman, Gerlach, Reiter
House: Anderson, B., Buesgens, DeLaLorest, Holberg, Krinkie, Olson, M., Peppin, Vanderveer
Hon. Mention: Eastlund, Emmer, Erickson, Hoppe, Klinzing, Knoblach, Paulsen, Wilken
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